Yesterday, The Good Men Project (GMP) published an article of mine entitled The Critical Impact of Non-Residential Fathers on Their Daughters. (Read the article here.)
I’m excited about two aspects of this event. First, this was my first article on GMP under my own name. I’ve been a ghost writer on two articles published for a client, but this was the first that credits me as the author.
Second, I’m excited about the potential of helping Fatherless Daughters and all whose lives they touch. If I can help a handlful of women or more, and affect positive change for people touched by those women, the world will be at least a little better. Healthier. Happier. If you’ve read my article about Thanksgiving and my father, you’ll know this subject is near and dear to me. I’ve also started a Facebook group on the subject. Please join me there if this subject has relevance for you.
If you are so inclined, please comment on my article on Good Men Project.